Saturday, July 16, 2005

Saturday 16th July 2005

Today, the song that I have had in my head has been from some advert - "They're tasty, tasty, very very tasty, they're very tasty"

So I went to Birmingham's rally - United for peace - and I was sad to see so few people there, considering how many people live in Birmingham and must read the Evening Mail. Several of the speakers were so inspiring - I'm not a religious person but after hearing the buddhist and the man who is head of the Islam community in Birmingham oh boy did I feel inspired. And the poet at the end, who some people sadly didn't stay to hear was absolutely amazing.
One message was - imho - the bombers in London were not true Muslims - could be a conspiracy against them? The message that did come across loud and clear was that we should get to know our neighbours, respect other faiths and really it comes down to let's not judge others who appear to be different. Fine by me.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger said...

I was there in spirit.


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