Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wednesday 27th December 2006.

Today, the song that I now have in my head is "Thank you for the music" by ABBA , simply 'cos I've just watched a programme about them.

A HUGE thank you to Denise and Roger for de-stressing me, treating me like a special guest yesterday evening and thank goodness your chairs weren't suede!
And Betty - oh glamourous one - thank you so much.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Saturday 23rd December 2006

Today, I have the meatball song in my head, bluetitch family stylee.

There was a lot of dog poo on the pavements yesterday for some reason. Not nice.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Saturday 9th December 2006

Today, the song that I have in my head is "Time in a bottle" by Jim Croce, though if Blues win today, it's likely to change to "Keep right on".

Why doesn't bacon have rind on any more? I love bacon rind.