Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tuesday 19th July 2005

Today, the song I have had in my head has been "Working my way back to you" by (I think) The Temptations.

Oh dear oh dear. Those who know me will know I'm a voracious reader. When I saw "The First Wives Club" going cheap, I thought "book I can read, don't have to think and concentrate too much on" and, as the blurb says "Hilarious, smooth and sexy" (Cosmopolitan), "It does what all good books do, forces you to keep turning pages" (Independent on Sunday). I have never not finished a book, no matter how awful or badly written it is - maybe that's what the Independent was talking about. Need I say more? I could you know!


At 1:16 AM, Blogger primeministersquestiontime.com said...

Er um - tend to agree. Bit Ni Comprendo.


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